Friday, February 11, 2011

The Seven Rules of Cell Phone Safety

Are Cell Phones Bad For You?

Cell phones are as convenient now, as cigarettes were cool back in the good old days, when no one knew about the dangers of smoking. Yet, one of the biggest smoking guns in American culture today is the massive use of cell phones. This is becoming a global issue as worldwide marketing of technology expands without regard to sustainability or human health.

The cell phone industry uses toxic ingredients, one of which must be harvested from the rainforests of poorer nations, such as the Congo in Africa. The migrant workers who harvest this precious metal camp in the jungle and are fed local animal meats to survive, including endangered Gorilla. Recycling programs could be used to phase out this unsustainable mining. However, ethics of using a cell phone must seriously be considered in relation to protecting the environment and endangered species.

Possibly the most disturbing issue about cell phones is the radiation. It has been proven that cell phone radiation, which operates disturbingly close to microwave frequencies, can penetrate the brain on the side of the head that it is being used. This penetration is even more damaging to children who have thinner skulls that allow the radiation to travel even deeper into the brain, almost to the other side of the head.

Studies have also shown that using a cell phone for 10 years or more almost doubles the risk of a brain tumor on the side of the head that the cell phone is regularly used on. That may be why brain surgeons all over the country, including top surgeons at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, will not hold a cell phone up to their head. What to do instead? There are certain headsets made with an air tube that transfers sound, not radiation to the ear. The head can be further protected with a ferrite bead placed on the wire to block any radiation. Regular wired headsets amplify radiation into the head, and bluetooth headsets are even worse, constantly radiating the side of the head it's worn on. Using the speaker phone is another safer option.

The power of human intelligence on what is inherently good and bad for one’s health is surprisingly correct most of the time. When we look back at smoking in the early twentieth century, there were many who blew the whistle before the "studies" were in. But as a society, we waited for the results of such smoking to actually accumulate on people’s health to prove the obvious health risks. Prevention is the best cure, and many people suffered waiting for the “studies” to come out. In the case of cell phones, the "studies" are just starting to come in. Are we going to listen now, or wait until we are sure, and who will pay the price for that?

Many people have questioned the idea of cell phones and their safety. But, in a corporate run society, these questions have been denied a proper answer in the name of capitalism. It is not fair that industries are able to harm mass quantities of people scott free until “proven” otherwise, particularly when the proof is being suppressed by a mass market controlled media. Now, we have the proof, but is it being spread around the nation to help people? It is only being shared through underground independent media such as blogs, websites, and journals. Now, off my soap box and on to the topic at hand.

Cell phones can be a lifesaver in emergency situations, but their overuse has risks that we must currently recognize or pay the consequences. The group we should be most concerned about are children, who are particularly sensitive to cell phone radiation and have unprecedented levels of exposure. There are many things we can do to lower our risk, while still using a cell phone. Here are,

The Seven Rules of Cell Phone Safety:

  1. Never allow children to use a cell phone. (Emergencies only!)
  2. Always use speakerphone or a safe air-tube headset. (Avoid Bluetooth and wired headsets which direct radiation to the brain.)
  3. Limit cell phone usage. To reduce exposure time, text rather than call for shorter conversations. Consider getting a home phone or utilizing internet phone services.
  4. Keep cell phones away from your body. Within 6 inches of the antenna is the Highest Danger Zone!
  5. Keep your cell phone away from you while sleeping. A minimum of 3 feet away from you; in the next room & turned off is ideal.
  6. Good reception is a good time to call. Cell phones emit more radiation searching for a signal than when there is good reception.
  7. Turn your cell phone off when not in use. Disconnect, enjoy and feel the freedom!

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