Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Got Raw Milk?

The most important dairy product lacking in this country is raw milk. Why, do you ask? Well, raw milk contains beneficial enzymes that are killed during pasteurization and/or homogenization. These processes are the biggest problem with milk production in this country today (besides the need for everything to be organic!)

Pasteurization vs. Homoginization ~ What's the difference?

Pasteurization is a process of heating milk to a temperature of nearly 150 degrees for 30 minutes. Flash pasteurization heats the liquid at a higher temperature for a shorter time period. Homoginization forces the milk at high pressure through a small nozzle to separate the cream. Conventional milk is not safe to drink unless it is pastuerized, killing the bacteria. The process starts by dipping dirty cow's udders in a chemical disinfectant prior to milking. Conventional cows regularly consume hormone & antibiotic laced genetically modified feed, passing it on to us in their milk. Additives in milk are especially harmful to children. Both pasteurization and homoginization alter milks biological structure, killing several enzymes in the process.

Beneficial enzymes make raw milk easier on the digestive tract. Milk has far more nutrients in it's natural raw state. Those sensitive to cow's milk often find raw milk fine to consume. It tastes delicious! Trust me, it's better than the conventional milk you're used to. And, don't worry! Drinking raw milk is safe when it comes from a clean organic farm. Ask for it at your local heath food store.

There is also goat milk as an alternative. Goat milk is best for those allergic to cow's dairy. Goat milk has a mention in the Bible for it's healing abilities. With more vitamins minerals and beneficial fatty acids than cow's milk, you've got to try it!

Non-dairy options include hemp milk, rice milk, and nut milk. You can make these at home for the healthiest raw versions. Or experiment with unsweetened store bought varietys.

Avoid Soymilk because soy is overconsumed, hidden in packaged food, and causes allergies.

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